Real Estate

Real Estate in Hempstead

The median home value in the town of Hempstead NY is $332,000. The value of the homes here have gone up by approximately 10.3% over the past one year and it is predicted that the value will still rise by 4.5% within the next one year. The median price per one square foot in the town of Hempstead is $220 and this is lower than the New York Metro which has an average of $258.This makes the town an ideal place for you to get a home and stay at a lower price in a better place. The median price of the homes which are currently listed in the town of Hempstead is $314,000. In Hempstead, 1.3 homes are foreclosed per 10,000. This is lower than the national value of 1.6 and it’s also lower than the New York Metro value of 1.8. Foreclosure is one factor that will be impacting home values in the next several years in Hempstead.